
Workshop on Complications of CKD

Published May 23, 2023

  • Workshop on Complications of CKD from a research, clinician and patient perspective

    Kai Uwe Eckardt and Inka Gotthardt welcomed the TrainCKDis consortium for the 6th workshop of the project. 

    It was a particular meeting as we have opened up the discussion to include the views of everyone who is involved with the disease, whether they are working or living with it.

    We welcomed Dr. med. Nicola Wilck, from Max Delbrück Center who presented the "researcher's perspective". Nicola Wilck has however a combined perspective has his research team consists of clinician scientists, basic scientists and nutritionists.

    Tess Harris CEO of the PKD Charity (partner of TrainCKDis) then talked with the ESRs, linked their research with concrete impact and what was CKD outside of a lab. tess Harris inherited ADPKD and had a kidney transplant in 2020 after 10 months on peritoneal dialysis. 

    Dr. med. Natalie Grün ended the morning sessions, presenting the clinician perspective. 



  • Outreach & Public Engagement and Scientific Writing

    Russ Hodge, science writer at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany, introduced our student to the transmission of knowledge to the general public. This is a keystones of our student training programme.